Jackpot Records reissue on candy apple red vinyl! All analog mastering process cut from the Original Analog Master tapes by Kevin Gray.
Jackpot - "One of the treasures of listening to this album is hearing their signature sound moving through the culture of the 60s while holding onto what made them...well...them. Even as the album art veered towards a counter-culture sensibility, the music inside was not letting the listener mistake them for anyone else but themselves...always Booker T & The MGs. 1967’s Hip Hug-Her is one of their most beloved records, with its toe tapping into the pop world. Spawning two significant hits, their cover of the Young Rascals “Groovin” and the title track, which many recognize as the iconic opening and closing credit sequence music for the movie ‘Barfly.’"
A1 Hip Hug-Her
A2 Soul Sanction
A3 Get Ready
A4 More
A5 Double Or Nothing
A6 Carnaby St.
B1 Slim Jenkins' Place
B2 Pigmy
B3 Groovin'
B4 Booker's Notion
B5 Sunny